Week 1: Mathematical Thinking Puzzles
Week 2
Billiard Ball Problem
Week 3
Gerrymandering Part 2
Week 4
Puzzles and Problem Solving
The Mystery of 89
DIY Challenge 3
There are 10 containers of with 10 coins each. All containers have coins of weight 9gm, expect one bonus container, which has all coins of 10gm.

Abhishek is trying to find a strategy to find the bonus container. He took 1 coin from the 1st container, 2 coins from the 2nd one, 3 from the 3rd….and so on.
He then placed all these coins on a digital weighing scale.

The weight came out to be 500 grams. Can you tell which one is the bonus container?
DIY Challenge 2
DIY Challenge 4