Love For Math
Bringing the joy and wonder of Mathematics to the world !
“The goal of mathematics education should be to think creatively, not simply to arrive at the right answer.”
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What do we focus on?

Multiple ways to think about a problem. There isn’t just one right answer. Being able to think creatively, make connections and come up with ideas about a problem is the most important skill in today’s world.

When you come across a problem, are you curious, excited and accept the challenge to solve it? The first step in solving any challenging problem is to develop a problem solving attitude.

Discover the joy of thinking like a mathematician. Move beyond procedures, and learn how to think, so that you can approach any problem with confidence.
Problems Worth Solving
There isn’t just one way to think about a problem. What’s your unique idea?
Interesting Puzzles, games, ideas and patterns.
In how many ways can you paint the tiles?
The broken board and rectangular tiles
Many more interesting problems!
- Which dice will you choose?This is a simple game of dice among 2 players. There are 3 dice, but are a bit different from the normal dice. They don’t have the usual numbers 1 to 6. The numbers on the three dice are shown below. Player 1 chooses one of the three dice and Player 2 chooses one of… Read More »Home
- The Jumping frogA frog starts along a number line starting at position 0. It takes a lot of jumps. The first jump takes it 1 unit, the second jump is 2 units from it’s position, the 3rd jump is 3 units and so on. Each jump can take it to the right or to the left. Check… Read More »Home
- Don’t rob kids of their creativity!Math and Creativity! Really? That’s how many people would react, mostly due to the kind of experience they have had with Math education. In my opinion, doing Mathematics is an immensely creative activity for children, where you can imagine, build hypothesis, prove and disprove things. You can feel the joy of understanding, making meaning and… Read More »Home
- The travelling knight!Yes, the knight loves to travel. But not twice to the same place! The knight wants to move from position 1 (A1) to the final position (H8) as shown in the picture below. However, there is 1 condition which it must follow on the way to its destination. It should visit each of the remaining… Read More »Home
- Oh! The Perfect Ruler – Only for Math loversThis post is by Jason Moses, who has been an enthusiastic explorer in the Mathematical Curiosities Program. Read on to understand what perfect rulers are, and look at his creations. What follows are all Jason’s words. In a regular ruler, markings are placed at regular intervals from each other. But are all these marks needed?… Read More »Home
- Oh! The Perfect Ruler – Only for Math loversThis post is by Jason Moses, who has been an enthusiastic explorer in the Mathematical Curiosities Program. Read on to understand what perfect rulers are, and look at his creations. What follows are all Jason’s words. In a regular ruler, markings are placed at regular intervals from each other. But are all these marks needed?… Read More »Home
- Explorations in Euler’s formulaIn our explorations with the relationship between the vertices, edges and faces of a 3D solid, as a part of the Creative Math Program, Jason made a dodecahedron. We looked at many shapes and solids, and observed the following Euler’s identity hold true for all of them. Next, The task was to draw or create… Read More »Home
- Oh! the numbers you can make…Imagine you have a broken calculator. Maybe you dropped it or your dog chewed up the keys. Suppose now, only the keys 1, 7 and + work. You would think it is pretty useless isn’t it?
- Ideas and Approaches for ‘Paint the tiles’ Problem!Many readers have responded by submission form, Email, Messages and comments. Here, I am sharing the different approaches and ways of thinking about the problem.

- Don’t rob kids of their creativity!Math and Creativity! Really? That’s how many people would react, mostly due to the kind of experience they have had with Math education. In my opinion, doing Mathematics is an immensely creative activity for children, where you can imagine, build hypothesis, prove and disprove things. You can feel the joy of understanding, making meaning and… Read More »Home
- The Love for LearningWe are all born explorers. As a child, we are curious to discover and understand the world around us and we are immersed in the little things we do. We play and explore, and as a result, we learn, we break and we create. This is the process of learning about the world and figuring out our place in it.
- Play, exploration and creativityI have taught Math in a Teach For India classroom for 2 years. I have spent a year on innovation and creativity with kids, mentoring kids and designing challenges with the aim to keep the innate abilities of curiosity, playfulness, imagination and creativity alive, which most of people lose very early in their lives. I… Read More »Home
- Math Classes : Urgency, Accuracy and AppreciationAs a Math teacher, I had been asked a few times the question of why the kids in my classes who are doing their problems quickly and getting the correct answers are not very highly appreciated. The concern is genuine. When other kids will see that, they too will be motivated to do things quickly… Read More »Home
“Experiencing the beauty of Mathematical Thinking is life changing. It’s like art, music and poetry. It’s really beautiful. We need to do Math education right. We need to at least give everyone the opportunity to fall in Love with Math.”